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Walki takes a major step towards a zero waste future


The #Walki Group is one of the pioneers in turning recycled mixed #plastic waste into certified #circular #polymers for the #packaging industry. The first products with circular polymers will be delivered to customers this year.

For the Walki Group, launching a groundbreaking innovation in partnership with Sabic, a global leader in the chemical industry, is a solid step towards reaching the company’s sustainability goals. ‘Today more than 80% of our products are made out of renewable or recyclable materials. Our goal is to reach 100% by the year 2030,’ said CEO Leif Frilund. ‘Walki takes its responsibility for social and environmental impacts seriously. Being a partner in launching this major circular economy related innovation, we will begin using circular polymers that have precisely the same qualities as raw material that is used for the very first time.

In the beginning, the quantities are small, but our intention is to grow the usage of circular polymers as the production capacity of this new, sustainable and recycled raw material increases. The circular polymers will definitely take us one step closer to our ambition – a zero waste future.’

The new innovation turns low quality, mixed post consumer plastic waste – otherwise destined for incineration or landfill – into finished certified circular polymers. The chemical structure of these is equivalent to a virgin polymer. The Walki Group will begin serving the packaging industry and brand owners this year, using the material for consumer packages.

‘The partnership in launching this innovation is proof to us that our partners have noticed our mission and core values that are linked to responsible operations, sustainability and circular economy efforts. Even more importantly, we are extremely excited about being able to pick up new innovations and deliver technical solutions that allow consumers to lead more sustainable lives in the future,’ concluded Leif.



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