Power-Zero has partnered with Mail Solutions, an envelope and print services manufacturer, to provide a power purchase agreement (PPA) solution for a 600 KWP solar PV that will generate 541,140 KwH at its site in Telford.

Power-Zero has designed, installed and will maintain the on-site renewable energy system allowing Mail Solutions to consume energy generated from its own roof top. Under the PPA, Power-Zero has funded the project, eliminating any upfront costs to Mail Solutions.
The project is expected to cover 16.3% of the site’s overall demand and will save over 120 tonnes annually. Power-Zero offers an optimal tailored energy solution and will help Mail Solutions to reduce its energy costs and carbon footprint, allowing it to invest in other areas of the business. This partnership is part of Mail Solutions’ ongoing commitment to reaching net zero targets.
Sophie Lamb, head of solar, Power-Zero, said: ‘We are really pleased to be working with Mail Solutions, helping it to achieve its sustainability objectives by reducing its carbon footprint with our tailored PPA solution.
‘By generating clean, renewable energy on-site, Mail Solutions is able to take control of its energy security and protect itself from volatile fossil fuel markets, all while reducing its carbon emissions and risk of downtime.
‘Utilising our bespoke Optimise portal, we will ensure Mail Solutions is able to maximise its output from the solar array and continue to deliver cost and carbon savings.’
Jon Higson, group finance controller, Mail Solutions, said: ‘Mail Solutions is committed to its carbon net zero goals and has partnered with Power-Zero on the project to deliver 600 kwh of electricity per year through the PV array that utilises the entire room space.
‘It is expected the project will offset over 120 tonnes of carbon per year. We choose Power-Zero after a long procurement process where we reviewed several options and selected the company as it ticked all of the boxes to get the project done well and on time.’