The south east’s kids are bullying their parents into becoming more eco friendly to save the planet, according to new research by
Pester power is becoming a force for good as almost half of mums and dads (44%) say they have been pressured to go green and save energy by the ‘little green warriors’ in their own home. And while you might expect vocal teenagers to drive behaviour change – two thirds (65%) of parents say the pressure is coming from kids as young as four!
The study, to mark Big #Energy Saving Week, may highlight the visibility and influence that the teenage climate change activists, and recent events such as the Australian bush fires, are having on the nation’s kids, and their family’s energy consumption habits at home. Over two thirds (69%) of parents say their children talked more or asked more questions about the environment and the climate crisis over the past 12 months.

Wildlife TV presenter and conservationist Michaela Strachan said: ‘We are in crisis mode when it comes to looking after our planet. We all need to radically change our behaviour to live in a more sustainable way and we need to do it now. Last year was a serious wake up call when we all became aware of just how serious the challenge has become. It is so inspiring to see that children are leading the way, taking action, encouraging their parents to change and becoming future eco warriors.’
And as a consequence of this planet friendly pester power, the most common changes made are walking or cycling more (51%), making more of an effort to turn off the lights (39%), turning down the thermostat (17%), washing clothes at lower temperatures (30%), and taking shorter showers (20%).
However, despite kids heaping on the pressure, four in five (78%) parents say that it is actually their children who are the biggest energy wasters. Over half (54%) of parents say they still have to nag their eco warrior kids to switch off lights in unused rooms, and 27% say their child takes longer than usual in the shower.
Over the past 12 months, 91% of parents have made environmental changes to their lifestyle and to the running of their home, with half (47%) admitting that if it wasn’t for their child, they wouldn’t have realised the importance and impact of their current actions.
However, despite being inspired to take positive actions, only a fifth (20%) of parents say they currently use a renewable energy provider. And it appears they are a little ’green’ about how it works. Some 34% say they won’t switch because they believe green energy is more expensive than their current energy provider, and more than one in 10 (11%) believe switching won’t make a tangible difference to the climate crisis. However, recent analysis by highlighted that for the cost of powering a home with average gas and electricity yearly consumption, savings of over £300 per year can be made by switching to green energy rates.
A fifth (18%) hold the misconception that a #renewable electricity supplier sends energy direct from solar and wind farms into people’s homes , when i n reality, everyone gets their electricity from the same grid and it is a question of how a supplier sources electricity that matches what you use.
Jason Smith, CEO of, said : ’Typically the focus of Big Energy Saving Week is about making ethical choices about energy consumption – and in light of the climate crisis, we want to make people aware that it is absolutely possible to save money in an environmentally responsible way. Misperceptions about the cost of green energy are getting in the way of people taking steps that are both purse friendly and planet friendly. With a couple more months of winter, and high energy bills ahead, now is a great time to listen to your kids, re-evaluate your current expenditure, and explore whether there is a better deal available from a renewable energy supplier.’