Thousands of people are taking part in a new online quiz created by #ProCarton – the European Association of Carton and Cartonboard Manufacturers. Consumers are asked to answer 10 questions, testing their knowledge about the environment with questions on trees, packaging and recycling.
Participants who score 100% have the option to download and print a specially designed ‘Certificate of Achievement’. Fully correct answers have come from across Europe including Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, Belgium and the UK.
While not everyone scored so highly, only about 5% are getting them all right, the reaction to the quiz has been overwhelmingly positive, with those taking part commenting that they had learned a lot about the environment in the process.
Tony Hitchin, general manager of Pro Carton, said: ‘Given how serious the world is at the moment, we are delighted to see so many people join us online for a fun but educational quiz! With questions on everything environmental, from recycling to cartonboard, we wanted to encourage everyone to test their knowledge and find out how much they really know. We hope everyone who went to the top of the class displays their ‘Certificate of Achievement’ proudly.’
You can try the quiz for free here
I got 10 out of 10. How did you do?