Two in three families in the UK claim that being environmentally friendly has become more important to them over the last five years, with 72% revealing recent media attention about packaging ending up in the sea has made them change the type of purchases they make. Enabling the next generation of consumers to better understand how to become more sustainable shoppers, a new initiative is set to launch in primary schools called #TreesintoCartons, Cartons into Trees (#TICCIT).
The TICCIT (pronounced ‘ticket’) programme, which has been highly successful in the US, aims to teach children aged eight to 11 years about the importance of trees, sustainability and the environment.
Run by #BPIF Cartons – the UK association of carton manufacturers, in conjunction with #ProCarton, its European partner – the initiative will highlight the benefits of sustainable packaging and how European forests, which provide wood for making paper and packaging materials, have been growing by the equivalent of over 45,000 tennis courts every day!

Pro Carton has already created a wealth of resources for schools to use, including presentations and activities to engage children and their teachers. Children at each school will be given a tree sapling and packaging industry professionals will teach them how to plant them in a biodegradable carton to then be planted straight into the ground.
The cartons provide protection and a natural water funnel for the new trees. As the saplings grow, the cartons biodegrade, completing the ‘trees into cartons, cartons into trees’ cycle.
BPIF Cartons general manager Jon Clark, said: ‘It is never been more important for our next generation of consumers to understand the importance of sustainability and recyclability. The TICCIT programme is the perfect way for the cartonboard industry to forge strong links with their local communities and pass on these important environmental messages.’
Pro Carton general manager Tony Hitchin, added: ‘Trials in UK and Dutch schools have already proved there is a huge appetite for this kind of hands-on, experiential initiative that inspires children to become environmental ambassadors themselves. Over 100,000 kids have been involved in the programme in the US and we have heard from past participants how incredible it is to see the children understand that they can make a difference to their immediate surroundings and the world in general by recycling and being friendly to the environment.’