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New Life Cycle Assessment of aluminium beverage cans shows significant carbon emissions reduction
#MetalPackagingEurope, the association of European producers of rigid #metal #packaging and their supply chain partners, completed a new...

First Mile launches dedicated compostable packaging recycling service
From compostable #coffee #cups, to biodegradable shopping bags, the UK’s increasing appetite for #sustainable products has fuelled a rise...

Working for clean oceans – keep plastic in a closed loop
The figures are nothing short of alarming. By 2050 #plastic will outweigh fish in the world's oceans if every year another nine million...

Nine out of 10 Brits prefer Easter eggs to be packaged in cartonboard
With Easter Sunday approaching fast it has been revealed that 91% of UK adults would prefer to purchase an Easter egg predominantly...

New gas tight tray from Stora Enso and AR Packaging reduces plastic
#ARPackaging has introduced a gas tight pressed #board tray #packaging for chilled foods based on technology developed together with...

Paper and cardboard recycling reaches record high across Europe
The amount of #paper and #cardboard #packaging now #recycled in Europe has reached a record high, according to figures recently released...

UK recycling at tipping point
#DSSmith, a leading international #packaging provider, has published new #research, in conjunction with #CentralSaintMartins, UAL,...

Walki takes a major step towards a zero waste future
The #Walki Group is one of the pioneers in turning recycled mixed #plastic waste into certified #circular #polymers for the #packaging...

Pollards builds sustainability into the design process
#Pollard Group has created a ‘sustainability checklist’ to help customers maximise the eco benefits of their #packaging solutions while...

M&S to turn plastic into playground equipment with new plastic take back scheme
#Marks & #Spencer is taking action to prevent plastic waste from going to landfill by launching a new initiative, which will enable...

Waste: Danone join Ecosurety to boost recycling traceability
The UK arm of global food and beverage company #Danone has signed a three year deal that will see #Ecosurety manage its #packaging #waste...
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